Privacy Policy

RSE Italia srl unipersonale illustrates, in this page, how it treats the data of users who visit its site and how cookies are installed by the site itself.
This Privacy Policy is made in compliance with article 13 of the GDPR 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), of the Recommendation no. 2/2001 of the Working Group pursuant to art. 29 and of the General Provision of the Privacy Guarantor concerning cookies of 8 May 2014, n. 229.
The following applies only to the site; The Data Controller is not responsible for the data entered and cookies installed by other sites that may be consulted via links.

Purpose of the processing and mandatory conferment

RSE Italia srl unipersonale processes the data that the user spontaneously inserts through the form on the site (Request for a quote) solely to respond to your request. There are no further purposes (by way of example and not exhaustive marketing purposes).
The provision of data and consent to treatment are necessary to follow up your requests.
For data acquired from our site through the installation of cookies, refer instead to the specific section ("Cookies of our site").

Processing methods, automated decision-making processes and data retention times.

The processing of your data takes place in an informatic manner, although potential treatments in paper form are not excluded. No automated decision-making processes are used to process your personal data.
The personal data concerning you, collected through the form of our site, will be kept for the time necessary to respond to your requests. Where there is additional legislation to impose longer retention time, this legislation will be respected by us. The data collected through cookies will be kept for the period of time established by the individual cookie.

Communication, dissemination and transfer of data to third countries or international organizations
Your data will not be communicated or disclosed to third parties with respect to RSE Italia srl unipersonale. The data you have provided will not be transferred by us to third countries or international organizations outside the EU.

Rights of the interested party and complaint to the Privacy Guarantor
You have the right to request us at any time access to data concerning you, their modification, integration or deletion, limitation or opposition to their processing, where there are legitimate reasons, as well as the portability of the aforementioned data to another Data controller. We will provide you with a written reply within 30 days. You may revoke, at any time, the consents provided on this site, by contacting one of the addresses indicated in the paragraph "Information on the Data Controller and on the possible Data Protection Officer". It is also possible to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority, where you believe that your data have been treated illegitimately.

Information on the Data Controller
The Data Controller is RSE Italia srl unipersonale, with registered office in Via G. Konz, 34-35, 52100 Arezzo.
To exercise the rights required by law and better specified above, you can contact the owner at his office or by calling the phone number +39 06 62286756 or by writing to the e-mail address


Navigation data
This website implicitly acquires, using internet communication protocols, for and during its normal operation, some personal data of users who access the site, such as the IP address, the domain names of the computers from which the user accesses, the MAC addresses, assigned by the manufacturers of network cards, wireless etc.
This information is not collected to identify users, but could be through associations and processing also crossed with third party data; from these data we obtain statistical information on the use of the site and its operation and further information in case of ascertaining responsibility in relation to computer crimes.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text strings that the sites visited by the user install on his terminal; these strings are subsequently retransmitted to the site that installed them in case of subsequent visit by the user. Where the user receives, while browsing the site, even cookies sent from different sites or webserver, we talk about third-party cookies.
Cookies are installed for various purposes, including the possibility of making computer authentication, monitoring of browsing sessions, choosing the language.

First-party cookies and third-party cookies
Cookies that are installed directly by RSE Italia srl unipersonale are called "Cookie first part", while cookies that are installed and acquired from a different site than the one on which the user is browsing are called "third-party cookies".
Third party cookies include social buttons (or social plugins), which allow the site to interact with the most popular social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. or Google Analytics cookies, those necessary to implement Youtube iframes, etc. As far as third-party cookies are concerned, it is the responsibility of the third parties to whom the cookie relates provide information and information about the management of the collected data.

Types of cookies

Technical cookies
They are normally installed directly by the site operator and are cookies that allow communication between site and user. They can be navigation or session, to ensure normal navigation and use of the site and usually have a duration equal to that of browsing the site, or functionality cookies, which allow a better use of the site, such as those related to the choice of language of the site, the placing in the shopping cart of the chosen purchases etc.
Since these cookies are necessary for the operation of the site it is not necessary, for their installation on the user's terminal, its prior consent.

Analytical cookies
They are cookies that allow gathering information about users, for example the number of users who visit the site and how to visit the site, in a more or less aggregated form. One of the most famous tools for obtaining these statistical reports is Google Analytics, a service provided by Google Inc.
Analytical cookies are similar to technical cookies where the information collected is aggregated and it is not possible to identify the habits of the individual user.

Profiling cookies
They are used to track a user's preference and offer advertising messages based on their preferences. These cookies are particularly invasive and it is necessary, before installing them on the user's terminal, to obtain their consent. In case of use of profiling cookies it is also necessary to proceed with the notification to the Privacy Guarantor pursuant to art. 37 paragraph 1 lett. d) of Legislative Decree. 196/2003.

The banner at the first access
The regulation requires, in the case of use of cookies other than technical cookies, the predisposition of a banner at the first access of the user on the site (so-called brief information) that indicates in an essential way what are the methods of cookie management by the site, referring to the extended privacy policy.
RSE Italia srl unipersonale ​​has prepared the aforementioned banner: by clicking on the "OK" button the user accepts the installation of cookies and decides to continue using the site. Furthermore, a specific cookie has been provided that stores the user's choice regarding the installation of cookies for 365 days; this means that the user will only view the cookie once and if he wants to change the choices made later he will be able to do so in the "Regulation on cookies and similar technologies" page.

We use cookies that are not technically necessary and other similar technologies. A more detailed explanation of the technologies we use, and how to renounce it when possible, is available in the Regulation on cookies and similar technologies.

Procedure for disabling cookies

Google Chrome:
Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:

Links to the privacy policies of third parties that install cookies

Google, Youtube: